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Rental Soil Sampling Equipment

Soil sampling is performed for a number of reasons. These include determination of soil contamination, identifying the horizontal and vertical extent of contamination and investigating the relationship between soil and ground water contamination. Soil can be sampled at the surface or below surface depending on the type of information required. Soil is typically divided by depth into two categories: surface and subsurface. Surface soils include the zone between ground level and 24 inches. Subsurface soils include any depth below 24 inches (please note that for radiological sampling, surface soils are considered to be in the top 6 inches, or 15 centimeters only). There are several different types of samplers that can be used to collect a soil sample at any depth.

Soil Sampling Kits AMS Basic Soil Sampling Kit

Soil sampling kits are designed to provide all the items needed for sampling in convenient carrying cases. Used by soil scientists, agronomists, and construction companies for site investigations. Available in different auger sizes and connections.

Soil Sampling Supplies Core Catcher SleeveFluoropolymer Sheets and Roll

Fluoropolymer Film, Retaining Cylinders and Caps


Direct Push Soil Liners
Clear liners for environmental soil sampling requirements.

Soil Sampling Supplies
Retaining Cylinders, Caps, Inserts &
Fluoropolymer Film

Auger SamplingCore Sampling

Portable Radon Detectors Durridge RAD7

Durridge RAD7 Radon Detector

The Durridge RAD7 is a portable detector that measures radon and thoron concentrations in water, soil, and air. Commonly used for vapor intrusion entry points and gushers, RAD7 can also be used to investigate soil or groundwater contamination. The instrument is simple to use, offers preprogrammed setups for common tasks, and comes complete with a built-in air pump, rechargeable batteries, and wireless printer.

  • Fastest response and recovery times of any electronic monitor/sniffer on the market.
  • Measures EPA action level of 4 pCi/L in under two hours.
  • Recovers from radon highs in minutes – not hours.
  • Spectrum printout verifies correct operation of instrument in field.
  • Tamper-proof key-lock command secures RAD7 and assures uninterrupted testing.
  • Easily portable: weighs 9.6 pounds (4.35 kg).
  • Display, print, and download radon data in your choice of units.
  • Immunity to build-up of 210pb.
  • CAPTURE software for data retrieval and analysis.

Call 1.800.833.7958

Durridge RAD7 Specifications
Durridge RAD7 User Manual
Durridge RAD H2O User Manual
Durridge RAD AQUA User Manual

White Papers:
Radon Measurement In Sub-Slab Soil Vapor Using A Durridge RAD7
Rn as natural tracer for LNAPL recovery in a crude oil-contaminated aquifer
Using natural radon as a tracer of gasoline contamination
Using radon as environmental tracer for assessment of NAPL contamination