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Product Specification Downloads

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AMS Basic Soil Sampling Kits

AMS Environmental Soil Sampling Kits

AMS Soil Sampling Mini Kits

Aquaread Multiparameter Water Quality Instruments

Aqualabo DIGISENS Digital Water Quality Sensors

BIOS Defender 510M Primary Standard Calibrator (Rental Only)

Blackhawk Piston Pumps

Bruker S1 TITAN

Bruker TRACER 5i pXRF

Coyote Pump Protectors

Defiant FROG-5000 Portable GC

Delta Epsilon Borehole Loggers

Delta Epsilon Borehole Probes

Dekaport Sample Splitter

Durridge R7 Radon Detector

Eijkelkamp Advanced Peristaltic Pump

Eno Scientific Well Sounder 2010 Pro

En Novative Technologies Disposable Samplers

En Novative Combo Core Sampler

FEP Fluoropolymer Submersible Pump Cable

FieldSink® Environmental Sampling Station


Gas Meter Accessories

Gas Powered Core Sampling Kit

Gas Sampling Bags

Gas Vapor Probe (GVP) Kits

Geotech Computer Systems Enviro System Software

GeoSwift Mapper

Geotech AR4 Auto-Reclaimers

Geotech 1.66 Reclaimers

Geotech 3.50 Reclaimers

Geotech AC Sipper

Geotech Biodegradable Geobailers

Geotech Bladder Pumps

Geotech BP Controller 300/500 PSI

Geotech BUuck & BUuck Plus Pump Controller

Geotech Colloidal Borescope

Geotech Data Buoys

Geotech Dedicator® Groundwater Sampling Systems

Geotech Disposable Bailers

Geotech dispos-a-filter™ PES/PP Filter Capsules

Geotech dispos-a-filter™ Versapor Filter Capsules

Geotech dispos-a-filter™ Chemical Compatibility

Geotech Drone Services

Geotech Environmental Control Module (GECM)

GECM Pneumatic Pump Controller

GECM with Telemetry

GECM Water Table Depression Pump

Geotech Environmental Tubing & Bailing Cord

Geotech ET, ETL Portable Water Level Meters

Geotech Fluoropolymer Reusable Bailers

Geotech GAC-L Liquid Phase 100-400 lb. Carbon Media

Geotech GAC-L Liquid Phase 250-2000 lb. Carbon Media

Geotech GAC-V Vapor Phase 100-350 lb. Carbon Media

Geotech GAC-V Vapor Phase 250-2000 lb. Carbon Media

Geotech Gauge Pressure Transducers

Geotech/Gardner Denver Reciprocating Air Compressors

Geotech Geobailer Reusable Bailers

Geotech geocontrol PRO™ Low Flow Sampler

Geotech geofilter™ Flatstock Filter Membranes

Geotech geofilter™ Chemical Compatibility

Geotech GeoFlo 3

Geotech geopump™

Geotech Geo Reels, Hand Reels

Geotech GeoShield Cooling Shrouds

Geotech Geosmart™ Dedicated Sampling Systems

Geotech GeoSorb Selective Product Recovery System

Geotech Geosquirt™ Centrifugal Pump

Geotech Geosub 2 12V DC Pump & Controller

Geotech Gravity Feed Filter Scavenger™

Geotech Hand Pump

Geotech High Volume Probe Scavenger

Geotech High Vacuum Sampler

Geotech Inflatable Packers

Geotech Ingersoll Rand Rotary Screw Air Sparge

Geotech In-Line Filter Holders, Acrylic, Barrel

Geotech In-Line Filter Holders, PFA, Stainless Steel

Geotech In-Line Filter Holders, Polycarbonate, Aluminum

Geotech Interface Meter

Geotech Interface Probe With Float

Geotech Interface Probe with ORS-Style Frame

Geotech Large Diameter Dangle Scavenger™

Geotech Large Diameter Filter Scavenger™

Geotech Level Control Probes

Geotech LO-PRO™ Air Strippers

Geotech Modular 12V DC Battery & Charger

Geotech Oil/Water Separators

Geotech PFAS-Free Portable Bladder Pumps

Geotech Pneumatic Cycle Counter

Geotech Positive Displacement Blower Air Sparge System

Geotech Portable Bladder Pumps

Geotech Portable Turbidity Meter

Geotech PRC Hydrocarbon Recovery System

Geotech Precision Aerial Mapping

Geotech Pressure Transducers

Geotech PVC Bladder Pumps

Geotech Redi-Flo2® Electrical Submersible Pump

Geotech Regenerative Blower Air Sparge Systems

Geotech Regenerative Desiccant Air Dryers

Geotech Reusable Geobailers

Geotech Rotary Claw Compressor Air Sparge Systems

Geotech Rotary Vane Blower Air Sparge Systems

Geotech Sand Shaker

Geotech Shallow Well Probe Scavenger™

Geotech Small Diameter Filter Scavenger™

Geotech Small Diameter Probe Scavenger™

Geotech Solar Sipper Solar-Powered Remediation

Geotech Soil Sampling Kits

Geotech SpOILer

Geotech SS High Flow Air Strippers

Geotech Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Systems

Geotech UAS Flight Training

Geotech Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)

Geotech WLM 1500'-3000' Water Level Meters

Geotech Water Level Meters + Temperature

Global Water Flow Probe

Global Water WL16 Water Level Logger

Grundfos 5S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 7S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 10S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 16S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 25S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 35S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 45S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 62S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 77S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 85S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 150S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 230S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 300S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 385S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 475S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 625S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 800S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos 1100S Enviro Retrofitted Pumps

Grundfos Redi-Flo4™ Electrical Submersible Pump

Grundfos SQFlex Renewable Energy Pumping Systems


Hach 2100P Turbidity Meter (Rental Only)

Hach 2100Q & 2100Q is Portable Turbidimeters

Hach DR 900 Handheld Colorimeter

HF Scientific MicroTPI/TPW Handheld Turbidimeters

Honda Super Quiet Generators

Honeywell BW Clip Series Single-Gas Detectors

Honeywell BW Clip4 Multi-Gas Detectors

Honeywell BW Flex Series Multi-Gas Detectors

Honeywell BW Icon and Icon+ Multi-Gas Detectors

Honeywell BW Max XT II Multi-Gas Detectors

Honeywell BW Solo Single-Gas Detectors

Honeywell BW Ultra Multi-Gas Detectors

Honeywell Gas Detection Tubes

Honeywell MiniRAE Lite+

Honeywell MiniRAE 3000+ & ppbRAE 3000+

Honeywell UltraRAE 3000+

Horiba U-50 Series Multi-Parameter Meters

Innov-X Alpha Series XRF X-Ray Metal Analyzer (Rental Only)

In-Situ Aqua TROLL® 100 and 200 Instruments

In-Situ Aqua TROLL® 400 Multiparameter Meter

In-Situ Aqua TROLL® 500 Multiparameter Sonde

In-Situ Aqua TROLL® 600 Multiparameter Sonde

In-Situ Aqua TROLL® 500 and 600 Fluorometer Sensors

In-Situ Level TROLL® Water Level Monitors and Loggers

In-Situ Level TROLL® 700H Instrument

In-Situ RDO® Blue Optical Dissolved Oxygen Sensor

In-Situ RuggedTROLL® Water level Monitor & Loggers

In-Situ smarTROLL® RDO Handheld

Ion Science Cub

Ion Science FALCO2

Ion Science GasCheck Gas Leak Detectors

Ion Science GasCheck 5000is (Rental Only)

Ion Science GasClam 2

Ion Science MVI

Ion Science Tiger

Ion Science TigerLT

Ion Science Tiger Select

Ion Science Titan2 Benzene Monitor

Ion Science TVOC 2 Fixed VOC Monitor


Landtec GEM™ 2000 PLUS Landfill Gas Monitor (Rental Only)

Landtec GEM™ 5000 Portable Landfill Gas Analyzer

LaMotte 2020we, 2020wi Turbidity Meters

LaMotte ColorQ DW Photometer

LaMotte Insta-Test® Test Strips

LaMotte SMART3 Colorimeter

Laval SC-350/SC-500 Borehole Cameras

LDARtools phx42™ FID Analyzer

LI-COR TriSonica™ Mini

MAT Industries Electric Powered Air Compressor

MAT Industries Gas Powered Air Compressor

MicaSense RedEdge-MX

Norwell Drum and Tank Samplers

Oakton 50 Series pH Pocket Testers

Peristaltic Pump Tubing

Piezometer Groundwater Sampling Kit

Pulsar PTFM 6.1

Pumptec Pump Protection & Control Boxes

Quest Technologies NoisePro DLX Noise Dosimeters (Rental Only)


"Rite in the Rain" All-Weather Writing

RAE AreaRAE Plus


RAE AutoRAE 2 Calibration Station

RAE AutoRAE Lite for QRAE II

RAE AutoRAE Lite for ToxiRAE 3

RAE ConneXt Pack – Confined Space

RAE MeshGuard

RAE MeshGuard Accessories

RAE MeshGuard Gamma

RAE MicroRAE Wireless 4-Gas Monitor

RAE MiniRAE 2000 PID (Rental Only)

RAE MultiRAE Benzene

RAE MultiRAE IR Portable Multi-Gas Monitor (Rental Only)

RAE MultiRAE Six-Gas Monitor

RAE MultiRAE Lite

RAE MultiRAE Pro

RAE QRAE 3 Wireless 4-Gas Monitor

RAE Q-RAE Plus (Rental Only)

RAE ToxiRAE 3 Portable Gas Monitor


RAE ToxiRAE Pro (EC)



RKI Eagle 2

RKI GX-2012 5-Gas Monitor

RKI GX-3R & GX-3R Pro

RKI GX-6000 Multi Gas Meter with PID

RKI M2A-XL Single Gas Transmitter

Safety Gear

Santoprene® Submersible Pump Cable

Seametrics BaroSCOUT Barometric Pressure & Temp. Smart Sensor

Seametrics CT2X Conductivity/Temp. Datalogging Smart Sensor

Seametrics DO2 Dissolved Oxygen Datalogging Smart Sensor

Seametrics EX90-Series Electromagnetic Flow Meters

Seametrics EX100/200-Series Insertion Flow Sensors

Seametrics EX800-Series Insertion Flow Sensors

Seametrics Fixed Depth Insertion Meter Fittings

Seametrics FT400 Series Rate & Total Indicators

Seametrics FT 500 Series Batch Flow Processor

Seametrics iMAG 4700-Series Flanged Flow Meters

Seametrics IP100/200-Series Insertion Flow Sensors

Seametrics IP800-Series Insertion Flow Meters

Seametrics LevelSCOUT 2X Level & Temp. Datalogging Smart Sensor

Seametrics MJ/MJH-Series Pulse Flow Meters

Seametrics PE202 Magmeters

Seametrics PS9800 & PS98i Pressure Transmitters

Seametrics PT12 Pressure Transmitter

Seametrics PT2X-BV Barometric/Vacuum Datalogging Smart Sensor

Seametrics PT2X Pressure/Temp. Datalogging Smart Sensor

Seametrics S-Series Low Flow Meters

Seametrics TempHion pH/ORP/ISE Datalogging Smart Sensor

Seametrics Turbo Turbidity Datalogging Sensor

Seametrics WMP-Series Flanged Flow Meters

Seametrics WT-Series Turbine Flow Meters

Simplex SES Series Control Panels

SKC Model 224-PCXR8 (Rental Only)

Snap Sampler

Soil Sampling Supplies

Soil Sampling Sleeves

SonTek FlowTracker 2D with Wading Rod (Rental Only)

SonTek FlowTracker2 Water Velocity Meter

Stevens GroPoint Soil Moisture Probes

SubSurface Instruments ML-1 Series & ML-3 Series Magnetic Locators

SunTech Drive AC Backup Solar Motor Controller

SunTech Drive PicoCell™ Solar Motor Controllers

Svantek SV 104 Series Noise Dosimeters


Thermo Scientific Orion AQ4000 Colorimeter

Thermo Scientific Orion AQ4500 Turbidimeter

Thermo Scientific Orion Star A Meters

Thermo Scientific pDR-1000AN

Thermo Scientific pDR-1000AN (Rental)

Thermo Scientific pDR-1500

Thermo Scientific TVA-1000B FID/PID (Rental Only)

Thermo Scientific TVA2020 FID/PID Toxic Vapor Analyzer

Topcon RL-H3C Automatic Laser Level (Rental Only)

TSI DustTrak® Aerosol Monitor (Rental Only)

TSI DustTrak® Environmental Enclosure (Rental Only)

TSI IAQ-Calc™ Indoor Air Quality Meters

TSI Q-Trak 7565 (Rental Only)

TSI VelociCalc® 9515

TSI VelociCalc® 9535, 9545

TSI VelociCalc® 9565

Viken Pb200i XRF Lead Paint Analyzer

Water Quality Meter Accessories

Well Accessories

WTW ProfiLine 3110 Series and 3205 Meters

WTW ProfiLine 3310 Series Meters

WTW ProfiLine 3320 Series Multi-Parameter Meters

WTW MultiLine IDS Portable Meters

Xitech 1060, 1060H, 1062, Single Port Air Samplers

Xitech 1063 Six Port Air Sampler

Xylem Global Water WS-Series Water Samplers

YSI 550A DO Meter (Rental Only)

YSI 556 MPS Multi-Probe Field Meter (Rental Only)

YSI 600XLM Sonde (Rental Only)

YSI 650MDS Display & Logging System (Rental Only)

YSI 6920 V2 Sonde (Rental Only)

YSI 9300, 9500 Photometers

YSI Amplified Sensors

YSI EcoSense DO200A Dissolved Oxygen/Temp Meter

YSI EcoSense DO200M Dissolved Oxygen/Temp Meter

YSI EcoSense EC300A Conductivity/Temp Meter

YSI EcoSense EC300M Conductivity/Temp Meter

YSI EcoSense ODO200 Meter

YSI EcoSense ODO200M Meter

YSI EcoSense Pen-Style Testers

YSI EcoSense pH100A pH/ORP/Temp Meter

YSI EcoSense pH100M pH/ORP/Temp Meter

YSI Pro20i Dissolved Oxygen/Temperature Meter

YSI Professional Series Water Quality Meters

YSI ProDSS Multiparameter Sampling Instrument

YSI ProODO Instrument & ProOBOD Probe (Rental Only)

YSI ProQuatro Water Quality Meter

YSI ProSample Portable Automatic Samplers

YSI ProSolo ODO/T & ODO/CT Handheld Optical DO Meters

YSI ProSwap Water Quality Meter

Zipliner Soil Sampling Sleeves & ZipTool Opener